Saturday, 31 January 2015

Learning new things

This month I had been rather busy, sorting out scraps and learning new things. Scraps were easy - I love when a pile of leftovers take some shape, and January quilt is a very simple and a no brainer. 60X60 little squares, ending up in about 90X90" quilt top. It will be quilted later this year.

New skills is something I really enjoy. I never learn enough to become an expert, but trying out always feel good. Some time ago I joined a FB group, dedicated to vintage sewing machines and embroydery. People there are making amazing things, and I was curious to give it a try on my old Singer. As I have started to make my first baby quilt, this was the good place to make my first try. Of course, you are supposed to use embroydery threads, but I was impatient and just wanted to try, so I used the ordinary spool (still different colours) and voila! Kitty is there now. When I will find some decent embroidery threads, I definitely will give this technique another try - truly, I recommend you to give it a try as well!

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Lone star top

The last day of the last year I managed to finish my Lone Star top.

Weather wasn't nice and my cloth line too low for this one (it's again on the big side) so sorry for poor picture but I must admit that this is the first top which I actually are happy with. It's rather precise, no major mistakes, the true colours are very rich, and it looks great.

Oh, and there are a matching pillow cases for it as well. This is also the first one when I can name the fabric - most of it is Paisley Park by Moda, which I won from Kansas Troubles Quilters, one fabric is vintage SOULEIADO, BY SOCIETE CHARLES DEMERY "TISSU", and the red background is a rich cotton sateen.

On the first day of this year I happily started on rather small by size but my most important project for this year - the first quilt for my first grandchild! I 'll be talking about it a lot (a quilt, I mean!), but a bit later.