My patchwork is done with cement right now, my stiches are brambles in the forest (my arms are badly scrached, worse than any sewing :D ).
The only sewing related thing happened when I was taking apart an old, collapsed chickecoop behind the fig tree. It was like a week untangling ivy shoots out of wires, move all the collapsed roof tiles and so on.... nothing exciting really. When I finally reached the bottom of the coop, where the feeds had been, something like cardbord started to rattle under my feet. I pulled that piece of plastic out and.... Little surprise!
Whiped it down with a wet cloth and it started to shine. There are few dents but nothing I can't restore.

So far most of garden had been cleared, some forest as well, vinyard seems to be beyond repair so new one will need planting.
The best news - as I can't sew, I'm running around all day long doing heavvy jobs and have lost quite a lot of weight despite all the gorgeous French food. Yay!